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A good news


Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech / TKS Publisher

Dear Readers,
Happy new year! Isn’t that good news already? A new year has just begun. Turning the page, getting ready for the next challenge. That’s certainly exciting news to be happy about!
As I write this first editorial piece of year 2013, I’ve decided to set myself a rule, that is give some good news as often as possible.
Something funny, something to cheer us up and start the day with a smile.
I hope you’ll be able to spot this out in my next articles as well.
What I’ve thought would be nice is invite the members of the journal’s editorial committee to tell about funny stories as well, besides reporting on the latest research and business trends as usual.
I think it would be nice to hear of any particular account or experience of their professional career they recall as funny, worth telling our readers to make us smile.
This will give us a chance to learn more about them, and share some fun.
I’ve been reading bad news far too many times, with forecasts depicting the worst to come yet all the time. Don't be mistaken! I'm not so naive and superficial to not realise that the worl ...