COMPLIANCE: France has approved Anti-Corruption Law Sapin II

Ginevra Campalani
Lawyer, specialized in compliance and antibribery

Iole Anna Savini
Lawyer, specialized in compliance and antibribery

Studio Carnà
Milan – Rome – London Barcelona – Lugano

New offences, the protection of whistleblowers and compliance programmes for companies have been introduced


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The French Law Sapin II on “à la transparence, à la lutte contre la corruption et à la modernization de la vie économique” came into force on November 10, 2016.

France’s enforcement of its anti-corruption laws had lagged for a long while because of anti-corruption laws that dated back to the ‘90s. The new Law has finally managed to bring significant changes to the fight against corruption, especially in terms of enforcing regulations.

Firstly, Sapin 2 strengthens the prevention of influence peddling. The new Law also enhances the protection of whistleblowers and precisely indicates the steps to be taken to implement such protection.

The Service Central de Prévention de la Corruption, established in 1993, had become outdated and will be replaced by the French Anti-corruption Agency, which ... ...