Polymer interactions in formulations

*Corresponding author
1. Siltech LLC, Lawrenceville, USA
2. Siltech Corporation, Toronto, Canada


The development of efficient cosmetic formulations is a complicated process. Since all of the ingredients in the formulation interact with each other, the careful evaluation of the complete formulation is critical and often difficult. One of the more interesting effects that can be achieved by blending silicone polymers is the formation that is both rub and transfer resistant film by blending two different polymers together. The entanglement of the two different polymers results in a film with both properties.


The preparation of a good formulation always includes taking advantage of interactions between ingredients in the formulation. Always look for interactions, not only are they the basis of superior formulations, they are the creative step in many patents.

This article will investigate an example of synergistic interactions. In this case the two ingredients are a linear polyurethane polymer and a Q resin. These materials together in a formulation that contains a volatile solvent interact and form a network which provide both transfer resistance and rub resistance in formulations. 


Reactive mixtures

The concept of entanglement is an important on in the generation of films. There are two kinds of film formation mechanisms that are used in cosmetic formulations. The first is a blend of two reactants that react with each other chemically and provide a film. An example is a silanic hydrogen ( Si-H) compound reacting with a vinyl compound (CH2=CH-.) This reaction has become important in the formation of a film on the skin that can be peeled off. Two reactive phases ar ...