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The microbeads ban: because, sometimes, size really matters

KEYWORDS: Microbeads, exfoliants, scrub, plastics, Microbeads-Free Water Ban.
On the 28th December 2015, the US President Barack Obama signed the Microbead-Free Waters Act, banning the usage of “microbeads” in cosmetics products. The decision had been expected, and many manufacturers have acted proactively, rapidly turning to natural alternatives, Now, as the ban will begin to take effect next year, we report on the current situation and possible developments worldwide.

Few words, many consequences
“Prohibition against sale or distribution of rinse-off cosmetics containing plastic microbeads”: this is the headline of section 2 of the Act known as “the Microbead-Free Waters Act” (a complete version is available on page XX). The ban will be effective on production starting from the 1st of July 2017, followed by product-specific manufacturing and sales bans in the following years.
This decision was far from being a bolt out of the blue, it had actually been the muchexpected conclusion of an awareness-raising process which had s ...