Whey protein: by to bake products


Akram A. A. Qasem*, Mohammed S. Alamri, Abdellatif Mohamed, Shahzad Hussain, Kaiser Mahmood, Mohamed Ibraheem, Ali Saleh
*Corresponding Author
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, King Saud University,
P.O. Box 2460 Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia


Whey is recognized as a valuable source of high-grade proteins, which has production of million tons (180 -190) annually as a by-product of cheese-making. Whey proteiniswidely used as an ingredient in foods because of itsunique functional properties viz. emulsification, gelation, thickening, foaming and water-binding capacity.This review describes the chemicalcompositionof whey protein andthe potential usefulness of whey protein as a viable improver, nutritional and functional ingredient in various bakery products. Whey proteins are proven to increase water absorption, batter viscoelastic properties, and improved textural properties and enhanced sensory characteristics. Whey proteins are used as a replacement to wheat gluten to produce gluten free bakery products for coeliac disease patients.


Today’s health and quality conscious consumers are increasingly making their food choices based on a food’s nutritional and functional components. The use of functional additives is becoming a common practice in the bakery industry, for enhancing the body functions or lowering the risk of certain diseaseswhileimproving the quality of final products such as, texture, mouth-feel, volume and extended shelf-life. Bakery products are consideredas an important source of calories and nutrients like protein, iron, calcium and vitamins. Most bakery products can be enriched and fortified at low cost with proteins, vitamins and minerals.As well as, enrichment can be easily carried out; it is important that more nutritious products should be produced (1,2). Research progress made it possible the re-evaluation of new food products, which satisfy both nutritional and functional value of these products. In food industries, such as dairy and cheese plants, produce a huge amount of liquid waste. Whey is the liquid portion produced through cheese-making during coagulation of the milk casein process as a by-product. The estimated worldwide production ofwhe ...