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Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today

Gustave Bémont and the “doom” of radium-workers

Catalytic C-C coupling reactions From Discovery to Nobel Prizes and industrial applications

Chemistry in Germany Nobel Prize winning chemistry at Saltigo on commercial scale

A nobel synthesis

A Year of great opportunities

The impact of precious metals chemistry in the evolution of modern societies

Chemistry at the nursery school to face competition

The impact of Nobel Prize in Chemistry on fine chemicals

Peptide chemistry revolution

2002 The golden year of structural chemistry

Henri Moissan 1906 Nobel Prize on Chemistry

The summaries of the articles of the catalysis applications category which have reached the positions from 2 to 6 are displayed below

As per our prize guidelines, the experimental section of each winner

Productivity enhancement of biocatalysed enantioselective C=C reductions The bioreduction of alphabrocine from whole cells to isolated enzymes

A novel intensified modular reactor for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Enabling small-scale GTL through conductive honeycomb monoliths

Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction with anhydrides Silica supported sulfonic acids as green and efficient heterogeneous catalysts

Celebrating the International Year of Chemistry 2011

The impact of precious metals chemistry in the evolution of modern societies

Catalytic C-C coupling reactions From discovery to Nobel Prizes and industrial applications

A nobel synthesis

Henri Moissan 1906 Nobel Prize on Chemistry

2002 The golden year of structural chemistry

Celebrating 2011 Year of chemistry

The impact of Precious Metals Chemistry in the evolution of modern societies

The Shy Angel who missed the Nobel Prize

Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech

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Household and Personal Care Today

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Pharma Horizon

There are no posts with MILESTONES IN CHEMISTRY topic in this journal... yet.