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- 11/28/2016

Autophagy, SILAB’s biological signature in cosmetics

HPC Today

On Monday, October 3rd, the Japanese biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine for having elucidated the biological mechanism of autophagy.
It is a powerful process for degrading and recycling the constituents of cells.

His work showed the importance of autophagy  dysfunctions in a number of pathologies, as well as in the aging process. As recently as 2006, autophagy was only “background noise” in dermatology. Since that date, SILAB’s advanced research with its  university partners has enabled it to implement a research strategy  to more fully understand this machinery and its functions in the skin.

SILAB & Autophagy

Key figures:

– 10 years of active research,
– 4 national and international patents,
– 2 doctoral theses and 2 partnerships with public research laboratories*,
– 7 worldwide communications, including 4 publications and 3 conferences,
– 1 innovation award,
– 1 international seminar organized by SILAB on April 15, 2013 at the “Maison de la Chimie” in Paris.

SILAB is an innovating pioneer in its field, having unique experience with cutaneous autophagy resulting
from its work with novel biological models. This essential modeling approach is a major strong point in the
investigation of the mechanisms of autophagy.

In 2009, SILAB proposed the cosmetic ingredient CELLDETOX ® , a modulator of autophagy, currently
available on the market and very popular. This biotechnology ingredient acts on autophagy markers
(lysosomes, LC3), revives the radiance of intoxicated skin and smoothes microrelief after only 2 weeks of
use; after 4 weeks, the complexion is uniform and wrinkles are attenuated. It is a genuine booster of cell
detoxification and longevity, providing a second youth to fatigued skin.
SILAB remains consistent with its strategy, continuing to extend the scope of its research to investigating
new autophagy pathways such as mitophagy, the autophagy of mitochondria.

* EA 3842, Cell Homeostasis and Pathologies, School of Medicine, Limoges, France
UMR 5239, Molecular Biology of the Cell Laboratory, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS – UCBL – ENS Lyon, France.