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2015: A “sustainable” year?

Starting from this year, HPC Today has featured a special section on sustainability in personal care, cosmetics and detergence sectors. We have now reached the last 2015 issue of the journal and I reckon this has been a year that we will recall frequently when discussing about sustainability. 2015 is the year of the papal encyclical “Laudato si” which, whatever one’s religion or opinion may be, has certainly been viewed by everyone as a warning on the harm we are inflicting to our planet and as a strong recommendation to look after the earth and its resources, and this is witnessed by the fact that the papal letter has been positively acknowledged all over the world. 2015 is the year of the Climate Conference of Paris, which hosts the Sustainable Innovation Forum. The conference has raised strong expectations, which we all hope will be met by facts and not just mere words of intents. 2015 has also been the year of Expo 2015 in Milano, an event that has gui ... ...