Flow Chemistry Pavilion at ACHEMA 2018!

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At ACHEMA 2018 (11-15th June, Frankfurt am Main, Germany) the new Flow Chemistry Pavilion will host the most advanced, innovative companies & knowledge institutes in the continuous manufacturing market, presenting an opportunity for visitors to learn more about this increasingly important topic!
AM Technology
AM Technology was founded in 2000 and is based in Cheshire, England. We specialise in flow chemistry and provide both hardware and development services for customers. Our proprietary Coflore reactors employ active mixing to give high performance combined with high working capacity and versatility.
AMT will be displaying three new products at Achema which include a straight coupled ATR tubular flow reactor and new slurry feed valve. The new plant scale Coflore RTR will also be launched at Achema. This is a versatile plug flow reactor with a working capacity of 100 litres. Stand: A37
Autichem is a specialist engineering company. The company produces solutions for a broad range of industrial processes with applications including energy, biochemical and pharmaceutical.
Our flow reactors range from laboratory to industrial scales and are offered in a range of materials and suitable for a wide range of process conditions.
Achema will see the launch of a new dynamically mixed flow reactor compatible with a range of arduous applications. DART is a fully scalable solution based around a flexible modular system that enables the user to select reactor components to suite the ideal process conditions. Stand: B43a
Alconbury Weston Ltd (AWL)
AWL is the UK’s leader in providing innovation for filtration and drying within the Chemical and Pharmaceutical process segments. We are at the forefront of the design, manufacture and supply of continuous processing equipment and systems. In addition, we continue to design, supply and support batch filtration and drying systems.
Alconbury Weston Ltd (AWL), in association with NiTech Solutions Ltd, will be exhibiting a range of continuous reactor, crystalliser, filtration and drying process solutions. Visitors will have an opportunity to see live process demonstrations. Stand: A38
Centillion Technology
Centillion Technology Ltd. is a spin out company from Cranfield University. A supplier of flow chemistry systems and consultancy services to process industries who wish to adopt continuous manufacturing into their operations. Technology that can be scaled seamlessly from the Research and Development benches through to the Production plant.
Stand: A21
We are familiar with the demands and complex matters our clients deal with, since our active support generates a wealth of applicational know-how. CETONI’s modular and customizable portfolio enables us to fulfil the most diverse requirements posed by our clients’ processes - through the combination of standard components and individually developed supplements.
Experience the unique variety of our products as well as tailor-made solutions:
- neMESYS precision syringe pumps - from small flow rates (pl/min) to high pressures (1000 bar)
- Qmix reaction modules – for flow chemistry and various further flow manipulation needs
- AXYS positioning systems – from compact sample handlers to high-precision, scalable systems
Stand: B43
We combine expertise in the field of (chemical) engineering and chemistry to help our customers to benefit from Flow Chemistry. Our expertise enables us to offer scalable and flexible Flow Chemistry solutions. We focus on delivering our customers higher profits by accessing new chemical possibilities, via a safe and reliable scale-up from lab to production.
During Achema 2018 Chemtrix will display demos of the complete Portfolio at the Flow Chemistry Pavilion. A total Scalable Flow Chemistry concept! The Chemtrix portfolio covers the total process from R&D to full scale production, using glass, metal and ceramic reactors. Stand: B37
CMAC (Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation)
Established in 2011, CMAC is a world-class international hub for manufacturing research and training. Working in partnership with industry, our purpose is to transform current manufacturing processes into the medicine supply chain of the future. CMAC has been established through close collaboration with industry and the support of its partners, which include GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Bayer, Roche, Lilly & Takeda.
The CMAC National Facility offers contract research support through the delivery of services within crystallisation (batch & continuous), process development, formulation, product/process analysis and advanced materials characterisation.
In particular, applying our expertise in crystallisation, PAT and high end analytical services.
Stand: B39a
Corning’s Advanced-Flow™ Reactors enable continuous flow reactions for the conversion of batch processes to continuous processes. AFR provides customers with cost-effective solutions, specialized engineering support and process expertise. Corning’s reactor technologies are specially designed for seamless scale-up from the lab to full-scale production of chemicals for the pharmaceutical, specialty and fine chemical industries.
Corning® Advanced-Flow™ Reactors and Magritek: A photochemical reaction is presented, using a fully integrated flow solution for lab scale experiment. The demonstration combines all the advantages of Corning AFR technologies with the innovative analytics (benchtop NMR) solution from Magritek. All the equipment needed to start in flow chemistry is included. Stand: A32
We are Australia’s national science agency. At CSIRO we shape the future by using science to solve issues and make a difference to people, industry and the planet. We work to benefit economy, environment and community. Collaborate with us to increase competitiveness, reduce risk, expand markets, and develop new industries.
Using the latest in flow chemistry and process technology, CSIRO can provide manufacturing solutions to rapidly synthesise small molecules and polymeric materials. ACHEMA showcases our Flow Chemistry capabilities, including new Catalytic Static Mixer Technologies. We’re ready to partner with chemical manufacturers in the pharma, fine chemistry, food and polymers space. Stand: A38a
EcoSynth is a dynamic and autonomous chemical company which offers service activities for chemical and life sciences industries. Key expertise is in new molecule development, process development, and stability assessment. Besides contract research, the company has R&D activities in the field of advanced catalysis and flow chemistry using external activation.
EcoSynth presents its service and R&D activities which include an innovative flow reactor using external activation with superior heat transfer and mixing capabilities. This reactor allows seamless transfer from laboratory to pilot scale and is co-developed with Ajinomoto OmniChem, a Contract Manufacturer for the Pharmaceutical and Fine Chemical Industry. Stand: A33
Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik
Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik sets standards worldwide in terms of microreaction technology. The portfolio is aligned to established equipment concepts in process technologies, with which we can meet an enormous range of disparate requirements. We focus on achieving tangible added value by implementing the technology platform of micro- and millireactors from lab to production scale.
To increase awareness of flow technology, Ehrfeld will present production millireactors for capacities up to 10.000 tons per year. A technologically sophisticated, integrated scale up concept will be exhibited and explained in detail. The team members from technical department, process development and sales are looking forward to answering all questions that might appear. Stand: B29
Flowid is leader in continuous process solutions. From process development services to the engineering and construction of skids. Flowid manufacturers SpinPro reactors for lab, development and production scale. SpinPro reactors have excellent mass and heat transfer. Flowid ‘ s technology provides unique control of exothermic multiphase reactions, precipitation and emulsification purposes.
During the Achema exhibition Flowid will bring a range of equipment including different SpinPro Reactor platforms. These platforms will be used to illustrate and demonstrate the scalability of a range of applications that benefit in terms of efficiency, safety and flexibility resulting in better CAPEX and OPEX performance. Stand: A40a
Fraunhofer ICT-IMM
Fraunhofer ICT-IMM delivers research and development services in the field of chemistry and energy technology covering the areas processes, reactors and plants exploiting the principles of micro process engineering. We enable Flow Chemistry and Process Intensification based on scalable and modular designed microreactors and on related integrated systems and plants.
Our portfolio of tools for Flow Chemistry covering micromixers, micro heat exchangers, reactors for heterogeneously catalyzed gas and liquid phase reactions and for gas/liquid contacting will be presented. Aside this toolbox, highlight topics will be: photochemistry, additive manufacturing for the realization of microreactors, synthesis of reactive intermediates and electrochemistry.
Stand: A29
Fuji Techno Industries Corporation
Fuji Techno has been manufacturing Pulse Free, High Accuracy & High Stability pumps (< ±0.1%), which are ideal for the various applications including proportional mixing, HPLC and spray drying. 5 major models cover the wide flow rate range (0.1 ml/min – 200 L/min.)
To maximize yield and product quality, it is essential to have non-pulsating flow with high accuracy for a perfect mixing ratio of chemicals. Fuji Techno will demonstrate the pumps offering non-pulsating flow at the highest accuracy and the unprecedented diaphragm pump that can handle the vast majority of slurry liquids. Stand: A44a
HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH
HNP Mikrosysteme develops pumps and dosing systems worldwide. Micro annular gear pumps are ideally used where fast and highly precise dosage is required. Five series guarantee a flow rate from 1 µl/h to 1152 ml/min and a pressure up to 150 bar.
The Modular Dosing Systems MoDoS® is a tailor-made pump system for pilot plants and industrial research. Some components are: mzr®-pumps, filters, sensors, valves, control modules. Claim: precise pumps - smart solutions. Stand: A30
InnoSyn offers a team of passionate & experienced problem solvers, applying innovative and cost-efficient technologies such as flow chemistry, bio- and chemo-catalysis. If you need a scalable route for your new chemical compound (INVENT), or a better yield of your current product (IMPROVE), or manufacturing capacity for your product (IMPLEMENT), InnoSyn can help.
InnoSyn B.V. has developed 3D metal printed flow reactors and mixers by selective laser melting, resulting in very cost-efficient manufacturing of flow chemistry hardware and the possibility to intricate mixing details in mm sized channels. One can now create the most appropriate piece of hardware for demanding type of chemistries. Stand: A44
Little Things Factory
As a leading supplier in the fields of microfluidics and microreaction technology, Little Things Factory develops and manufactures high-quality components and system solutions made of glass, quartz and glass-silicon compound materials. The product range includes fluidic chips as well as microreactors for lab-on-chip, life science, flow chemistry, photochemistry and R&D applications. Stand: A17
Magritek is leaders in the design, manufacture, supply benchtop NMR Spectroscopy instruments.
The Spinsolve benchtop NMR Spectrometer can be configured for measurement of 1H, 19F, 13C,31P,15N,29S and 11B nuclei, using either standard 5 mm NMR tubes or in flow-through reaction monitoring configurations. Magritek produces instrument on the range of 43MHz, 60 MHz, and 80 MHz.
Magritek will present the Spinsolve, a benchtop multinuclear NMR spectrometer. Its high performance, small footprint and low-cost make it an ideal solution for chemists in academia and industry who can now use the analytical power of NMR spectroscopy on the lab bench or directly inside a fume hood. Stand: A32
Mettler Toledo
METTLER TOLEDO develops process analytical technology (PAT) and automated reactors for use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and academia industries. In situ FTIR spectroscopy (ReactIR™) provides continuous analysis of chemical reactions for rapid understanding and process optimization. ReactIR allows researchers to measure steady state conditions, troubleshoot inconsistencies, and identify intermediates.
In situ FTIR spectroscopy (ReactIR™) provides continuous monitoring of reaction species and provides continuous measurements of kinetics, mechanism, and pathway where offline sampling and analysis are difficult. ReactIR connects to a flow reactor to provide real time reaction analysis at any point in the flowing stream. Stand: B37
Microinnova Engineering GmbH
Microinnova Engineering GmbH is a pioneer in the field of continuous manufacturing. Our Process Development and Engineering departments in a combined effort provide process development, engineering services, scale-up and delivery of skid-based turnkey plants for continuous production ranging from kilo-lab to pilot- and industrial quantities. We are known as batch-to-conti experts applying the appropriate technology for each unique process challenge.
Microinnova will display functional processing modules for continuous manufacturing of fine chemicals and API’s. The plant units will demonstrate how to integrate and design a flexible continuous process for multipurpose manufacturing.
“Get-Together @ Microinnova”: Each afternoon at 5 pm a trendsetting networking will gather experts from industrial technology management, R&D and technology provider for continuous manufacturing. The event will state a high-level platform exchanging opinions and experiences on current and future processing. Stand: B39
NiTech Solutions
NiTech Solutions will demonstrate its unique DN15 reactor/crystalliser range, including the Ultra, its mobile continuous production platform (MCPP). Continuous processing brings significant benefits versus stirred tank reactors. NiTech Solutions and partner laboratories in France and Sweden can help manufacturers gain step-change improvements. The Centre for Process Innovation is NiTech’s scale-up partner.
Safer, Greener, Faster and Cheaper, NiTech now offers the Ultra, a mobile continuous production platform (MCPP). The plug-and-play system includes a reactor and crystalliser of choice plus filter/dryer from engineering partner Alconbury Weston. The Ultra offers the flexibility and versatility to enhance product quality, reduce costs and minimise waste. NiTech also offers larger pilot-scale and commercial units. Stand: A38
Stoli Catalysts
Stoli Catalysts develops and manufactures a range of recyclable catalyst-coated capillary reactors for high-quality and cost-efficient continuous production of fine chemicals. We also offer services in the areas of catalysts development, reaction optimisation, flow chemistry, process intensification and reactor design for research and manufacturing customers.
At Stoli Catalysts exhibition stand you can find out more about the company’s catalyst-coated capillary reactors, learn about their different applications in fine chemicals synthesis and discuss your needs with our flow chemistry specialists and catalysts developers. A variety of the company’s catalyst-coated tube reactors is presented on display. Stand: A27
Vapourtec Ltd is an innovative laboratory technology company based near Cambridge, UK.
Vapourtec develops, manufactures and markets cutting-edge flow chemistry systems for fine chemical discovery and process development. Customers for Vapourtec’s products include blue-chip companies and research institutes developing, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fragrances, advanced materials and other fine chemicals.
Vapourtec will be exhibiting their E-Series entry-level product, ideal for teaching and occasional users. In addition their world leading modular R-Series system, the most flexible flow chemistry platform available, will be on show together with the UV-150 photochemical reactor. Vapourtec will also be profiling pioneering developments in solid phase peptide synthesis. Stand: A30a
Wilk-Graphite GmbH
Wilk-Graphite GmbH stands heat exchangers, reactors and other pressure vessels made of graphite, carbon and stainless steel or exotic alloys like titanum or hastelloy according to PED, GB or U-Stamp. Own process technology covers acid and waste water regeneration systems. With the ASKR we enter the flow chemistry.
ASKR – Archimedean Screw Crystallizer and Rector is new continuously operating apparatus for the flow chemistry. No residence time distribution, gentle but turbulent flow handling without agitator and flexible process control result in many applications. Crystallization and polymerisation are the main targets. Easy Scale up by simple laboratory reactors. Stand: A31
Zaiput Flow Technologies is a company launched to bring innovative tools for continuous flow chemistry to the market. Devoted to excellence, innovation and outstanding customer service, the company offers proprietary devices focused on liquid-liquid separation/ extraction, pressure control for aggressive environments. www.zaiput.com
Zaiput will showcase its liquid-liquid separation/extraction equipment. The devices use a membrane based approach, are suitable for both batch and flow chemistry applications. They offer scalable single and multistage operation from the bench to production. A live demo will be running during the show. Stand: A40