Odour control efficacy of a carpet cleaning home care product

1. Senior Consultant, Olfasense GmbH, Kiel, Germany
2. Head of Product and Material Testing Laboratory, Olfasense GmbH, Kiel, Germany
3. Project Leader, Aqdot Limited, London Rd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
The odour-reduction efficacy of a homecare product, linked to a portable carpet-cleaning device, was tested with and without the addition of a supramolecular odour-capture technology comprising a range of cucurbit(n)urils. Pet odour (cat urine) was simulated by applying a synthetic substance to carpet samples. Samples were either (a) untreated (control), (b) cleaned with a device incorporating a commercial cleaning formulation (benchmark), or (c) cleaned with a device containing the commercial formulation and the odour control technology (test product). A combination of sensory methodologies was applied to evaluate the odour of each sample and determine the differential benefit of adding the odour control technology to the commercial formulation. The results showed that there was a significantly greater reduction in the odour of cat urine by the test product containing the odour control technology than by the control and the commercial-benchmark samples.
Textile materials used in the home environment can develop unpleasant odours that arise from multiple and complex processes (1). Laundering is not always possible, or effective at removing such odours, which can build up over time and cause significant consumer dissatisfaction. A wide range of domestic cleaning products are available that attempt to remove this malodour problem. Such products are designed for very specific applications, among which the removal of undesired odours is often a key functionality that needs to be rigorously assessed during the product-development process. Assessment tools to evaluate malodour level include tailor-made sensory methods and analytical protocols (2). Selecting the right tool is essential to generate useful results for evaluating product performance.
Cucurbit(n)urils (CBs) are ring-shaped molecules with a hollow hydrophobic cavity and polar portals. Their unique structure enables CBs to interact with molecules through non-covalent host-guest interactions.
The objective of this study was to determine the malodour-reduction efficiency of a CB-based odour redu ...