Upcycling ingredients from the food industry for cosmetic products


R&D Manager, Gale & Cosm, Milan, Italy


The increasing consumer demand for more sustainable products and the renewable qualities of natural raw materials are a perfect match to bring circular economy to the beauty world. In the last years, many cosmetic companies have started to look into upcycling discarded raw materials that can be reused for the production of cosmetics: a noted source of upcycled ingredients comes from the food and drink sector.

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services exceeds what Earth can regenerate yearly (1).
From the 1970s the date of the Earth Overshoot Day falls progressively earlier. In 1970, it fell on December 30. In 1996 it was three months earlier, on September 30 and in 2020 even one more month before, on August 22. This year it lands on July 28. This means that from that date onwards we will be in debt with our planet and we would need 1,75 Earths to meet humanity’s demands.
Every year, we are depleting resources earlier and earlier due to the increase world’s population, as well as due to the excessive exploitation of natural resources in many countries around the world.
In other words, this means that we cut down too many trees, fish and raise animals incorrectly, and produce too much waste that we cannot dispose of properly.
Earth Overshoot Day reminds us that our planet won’t be able to provide resources infinitely, and it invites us to a comparison with the past: are we improving or continuing the same unsustainable way?

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