Wheat flour dough rheological properties and physico-sensory properties of bread enriched with citrus fibres

*Corresponding author
Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering, Suceava, Romania
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of citrus fibres addition (0 g/100 g, 2 g/100g, 4 g/100g, 6 g/100 g) in wheat flour 650 type on dough rheological properties by analyzing the dynamic rheological parameters (G’, G” and tan┙) at a constant stress and during heating and bread quality. The G’, G” moduli increased with the increased levels of citrus fibre addition while the tan┙ presented the lowest value for control sample. From the bread quality characteristics point of view, the bread with the highest level of citrus fibres addition presented the lowest values for loaf volume, porosity and elasticity. With the increased level of citrus fibres addition the bread colour become darker and the bread hardness increased. However, from the sensory point of view the bread with a substitution level up to 4% citrus fibres addition were well received.
Nowadays, bread is considered a basic food product worldwide, widespread made and manufactured in thousands of assortments obtained from a variety of ingredients. Over the past few years, bread received an increased attention as a potential functional food. Various researches has been made in order to study the possibility to improve the bread quality by using different components with nutritional and functional properties which can improve the quality, sensory properties and the availability of the active compounds added. One way to increase the amount of nutritional and functional value of bakery products without radically changing the technological process of baking is the addition of dietary fibre in bread formulation, an important component of human diet (1, 2). The importance of food fibres on health is well documented and include: strong positive influence on human health by decreasing cholesterol levels; improvements in gastrointestinal health; the prevention of certain cancers such as colon cancer; promotes physiological functions such as lowering blood triglycerides and glucose control; improving ...