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Igor Pravst

Igor Pravst Personal Image

Nutrition Institute

Dr Igor Pravst is Head of research group “Nutrition and Public Health” at the Nutrition Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He focusses on research into functional foods, food labelling and in particular consumers’ use of nutrition and health claims. Igor holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and his areas of research expertise include food composition and the function of food constituents in human health.
He is collaborating in various European and national research project, for example a FP7 project REDICLAIM (REduction of DIsease risk CLAIMs on food and drinks), where he leads a work package about the interaction between ‘reduction of disease risk’ claim legislation and substantiation process. One of the tasks of this project is to compare health claims legislation in the European Union and other countries. Igor Pravst is also an assistant professor in Nutrition at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
He has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles on nutrition-related topics in renown journals such as Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research and Food Policy. Igor is also a member of the Slovenian Board for food safety.