Advanced technologiesfor food and beverage quality control


Member of AgroFOOD industry hi-tech’s Scientific Advisory Board

Continuous consumer demand for better quality food products combined with intense global competition and stringent regulatory requirements has increased the need for quality control (QC) testing by food and beverage manufacturers. In order for food producers to consistently deliver quality products to consumers, the implementation of a comprehensive quality control program during manufacturing is absolutely critical. Today, food chemists have access to a number of advanced analytical technologies that can be applied throughout the food and beverage manufacturing process. This could involve the testing of raw materials for contaminants, the monitoring of in-process product composition, and the confirmation of final product specifications prior to shipment.By leveraging the latest analytical solutions such as ultraperformance liquid chromatography (UPLC®) separations, tandem quardupole mass spectrometry detection (MS) and process analytical technology (PAT), food laboratories have the ability to increaseworkflow efficiency, reduce cost per analysis, and accelerate sample throughput. Although these operational benefits are significant, the resultant business impact for the organiz ...