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Claims: the United States and European perspective

*Corresponding author
1. Burdock Group, 801 N. Orange Ave., Suite 710, Orlando, FL 32801, USA
2. RNI Consulting, Regulations Nutrition International, 2 Square La Fayette, 49000 Angers Paris Lausanne, France


Ideally, the same product claim for dietary supplement ingredients in the USA could be used internationally. However, based on the different manner in which supplement ingredients are regulated in the USA and Europe, manyclaims that are permitted in the USA are not in Europe (or vice versa). In general, it is believed that it is more difficult tomarket products with claims in Europe because, unlike in the USA, all claims in Europe must have pre-market approval bythe European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) and member states of the European Commission. On balance however, for somedietary ingredients, the Europeans have allowed more compelling or specific claims than permitted in the USA. This articlehighlights the similarities and differences between the USA and European perspective, employing a case-study of claimspermitted for calcium and omega-3-fatty acids.
