Combining flow conditions and recoverable catalysts and media for sustainable C–H functionalization processes

*Corresponding Author
Laboratory Of Green S.O.C., Dipartimento Di Chimica, Biologia E Biotecnologie, Università Di Perugia, Italy
Continuous-flow reactors, C–H functionalization processes and safe biomass-derived reaction media are all topics of great current interest. The synthetic methodologies featuring the combination of these three approaches can be very effective in the definition of chemically and environmentally efficient synthesis of target materials. In this article we the solutions proposed by our research group concerning the applications and the benefits achieved by the use of flow reactors in C–H functionalization protocols performed in biomass derived solvents.
INTRODUCTION: FLOW CHEMISTRY, BIODERIVED SOLVENTS AND C–H FUNCTIONALIZATION The attention given by academic and industrial researchers to continuous-flow technologies is undebated, especially in the context of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industry, where there is an obvious need for innovating the synthetic approaches to complex target materials. The technological innovation expected by the use of continuous-flow reactors is not only related to the need for improving the efficiency of classic batch approaches, but it is also closely connected to the promise of realizing completely new synthetic transformations, accessing and controlling novel chemical reactivity (1). Flow chemistry is nowadays a key tool for research to tackle the modern challenges of chemical production, aiming at the definition of chemically-efficient, cost-effective and sustainable synthetic processes (2). At this aim, the connection between flow chemistry and sustainable chemistry is evident and both areas can benefit from each other by designing adequate flow reactors and conditions that could allow to optimize the energy consumption, the effi ...