Cosmetic science history from Leonardo to today

Editor in Chief, TKS – Tekno Scienze Publisher & Event Organiser
In 2019, Milano commemorates the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest scientists ever to be born in this world. At his time, Leonardo’s immense interest in mankind had even led him to formulate perfumes and cosmetics to enhance people’s beauty. Milan has recently hosted the 25th IFSCC Conference, organised by the Italian Society for Chemistry and Cosmetic Sciences (SICC), with scientists from around the world gathering to discuss the latest in cosmetic research: one of the most lively and innovative scientific disciplines at the service of man, his wellbeing and beauty care needs.
In fact, in addition to creating new products that are increasingly effective in slowing down the visible (though inevitable) signs of time passing by, cosmetology has also developed alongside the historical and social evolution of peoples and their cultures.
The many lectures given at the conference and the over 400 posters presented have unveiled new technology and new product design strategies.
There has been a strong focus on cosmetics that can work at the level of the central nervous system, through t ...