Development of a high-protein, plant-based beverage by using an innovative combination of mashing and fermentation

* Corresponding author
1. Fraunhofer- Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, Freising, Germany
2. Institute of Brewing and Beverage Technology, Freising, Germany
The market segment of plant-based foods and beverages is growing rapidly. Combining new food ingredients with existing technology offers great potential for new product development. The aim of this study was to develop a new plant-based beverage with a high protein content, high nutritional value and a refreshing character by a combined process of barley mashing and lactic fermentation. Isolation of protein from Lupinus angustifolius as the main protein source was adjusted to obtain a protein ingredient that is soluble in low pH-conditions. Processing conditions during barley mashing and lactic acid fermentation were optimized to reduce antinutritives such as phytic acid and oligosaccharides as well as to improve the flavour and texture of the beverage.
Proteins are an essential component in the human diet, and in particular animal proteins constitute a major protein source all over the world. However, inefficient conversion of plant protein into animal protein raised public awareness in terms of sustainable protein supply in the future. At the same time there is a raising demand for high-protein foods and beverages due to an increase in the consumers’ health awareness. Compared to recent developments regarding plant protein alternatives, only few studies have been published focusing on high protein beverages (1-3). So far, most beverage developments are either soft drinks with refreshing characteristics but without protein, or sport drinks based on dairy or soy protein offering high-protein content but lacking a refreshing character. However, plant-based beverages with added protein as well as a refreshing character have not been available up to now. One major challenge is that most plant proteins cannot be dissolved homogenously in acid milieu (4).
Protein isolates from lupin are very promising because they are nutritionally favourable, can be cultivated without genetic modifica ...