Endocrine Disrupting Substances (EDS) and implication in EU regulations

Chemsafe, Colleretto Giacosa (TO), Italy
On June 4, 2018 the final guidance titled “Guidance for identification of endocrine disruptors in the context of Regulations EU n. 528/2012 and EC n. 1107/2009” was finally published and adopted by both ECHA (European Chemical Agency) and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).
The guidance is the outcome of a long discussion between stakeholders and a public consultation on the previous draft guidance ended on January 2018. The final guidance describes how to perform hazard identification for endocrine disrupting properties by following the scientific criteria which are outlined in Commission Delegated Regulation EU 2017/2100 (see Chemsafe Newsletter November 2017) and Commission regulation EU 2018/605 (April 19, 2018) for Biocidal Products (BP) and Plant Protection Product (PPP) respectively.
The guidance is addresses to BPs and PPPs only but in any case gives scientific principles and criteria on how to identify ED substances and it is considered a basic pillar of such evaluation in the future also in other fields.
The so called “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals”, in brief EDC, is a wide fam ...