Healthy Lifestyle – reloaded


Vital Solutions GmbH, Germany

Beginning of 2019, I wrote an editorial opening about healthy lifestyle. The article addressed the challenges to establish and follow healthy habits that we are facing, even knowing that nourishing routines support quality of life and may even prolong life expectancy. At the end, I closed with a “healthy behavior list”, including recommendations to support a healthy diet, sufficient physical activity, hygiene, a good mood, time for relaxation and quality sleep.


Afterwards beginning of 2020, my editorial opening was about healthy aging. The provocative title was “Do we want to become 100 years old?” My idea was to establish awareness that all the healthy lifestyle may increase life expectancy and we need to be prepared to fill and finance the additional years. My recommendation list at the end of the paper includes tips to keep on working, to establish a healthcare support plan, to make savings closing pension gabs and to set up a diverse social network.


Now, in 2021, all these recommendations are still valid, but also seem a bit naïve, as the possibility of a life- changing event was not in our minds. We all felt safe and co ...