NANONIZER® – The next generation of JetMill 10-9

Ayla Engineering & Consulting SAGL, Via Molinazzo 10, Lugano, 6906, Switzerland
The NANONIZER® represents an important technological innovation for the production of nanoparticles by nanosize powders.
It is based on the Spiral JetMill principle dated 80 years (USA 1930) and on the De Laval Nozzle dated 100 years ago.
The spiral JetMill was updated by the Americans, European and Asian manufactures achieving a high technological level with tailored solutions but all are similar.
The Spiral JetMill is a technology noninvasive on the product characteristic, no heating generation, no mechanic parts, no solvents, no chemical reactions, no product (in liquid) dissolution.
The energy balance by a conventional JetMill is 20 percent used for milling, and the other 80 percent is lost transformed in sound, statics and over flows turbulences.
The NANONIZER® achieves an energetic yield of 50 percent.
Nowadays the nanotech asks for a friendly user process for R&D and production.
The NANONIZER® uses a single or multiple injectors to feed the product into the grinding sector where is accelerated by jet streams. These jets are created by convergent/divergent nozzles.
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