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Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®)
A novel dietary supplement for joints health


Chronic inflammatory complaints of joints and connective tissues are highly incident in western countries and frequently causesevere disability: arthritis, lupus, gout, fibromyalgia and other pathologies fall into this broad definition, with osteoarthritis being themost prevalent. Epidemiological data support the hypothesis that by 2020 arthritis will affect sixty million Americans and limitingalmost twelve millions in their normal daily activity. The incidence increases as population ages but, unfortunately, safe and effective pharmacological tools are still lacking to fight most of these ailments. Some are auto-immunes and may benefit fromimmune-suppressant drugs but, more often, therapy is primarily targeted at obtaining symptomatic control. Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (both un-selective and selective COX-2 inhibitors) and corticosteroids are used in the managing of flogosis and pain. They can be administered alone or combined with analgesics of variable potency, including opioids. The chronic and degenerative course, coupled with severe side effects of the available drugs, makes the long-term therapy of joints and connective tissue diseases somehow puzzling. Patien ...