P. 37-42 /

Recent advances in enantioseparation by capillary electrophoresis using antibiotics and polysaccharides as chiral selectors
A review

*Corresponding author
1. China Pharmaceutical University, department of Analytical Chemistry, No.24 Tongjiaxiang, Nanjing 210009, China (for correspondence)
2. China Pharmaceutical University, key Laboratory of Drug Quality Control and Pharmacovigilance (Ministry of Education), Nanjing 210009, China
3. China Pharmaceutical University, key Laboratory of Modern Chinese Medicines (Ministry of Education), Nanjing 210009, China


This review gives an overview of the use ofantibiotics and polysaccharides as chiral selectors in thefield of enantioseparation by capillary electrophoresis(CE). Antibiotics and polysaccharides are two importanttypes of chiral selectors in CE, and have been utilizedsuccessfully in enantioseparation of various compoundsincluding pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, agrochemicals,fine chemicals, etc. In this review, recent advances coveringliterature published from January 2006 to April 2010 in chiralCE separation with antibiotics and polysaccharides aresummarized. These developments focus on the introductionsof new chiral selectors, investigations in different CE modescontaining micellar electrokinetic chromatography andnonaqueous capillary electrophoresis, studies on separationmechanisms and improvements in separation methods.
