Research and globalisation yield new active ingredients

Carla Scesa
Editor in Chief (Tks Publisher)
Discovery and innovation are the key words that accompany the launch of new cosmetics, be them designed for use on skin or hair and offered to end users both directly or through a physician’s prescription.
Ingredients available are exceptional, provide instant and long-term effectiveness to counter ageing signs, can turn a formulation into something special, are backed up testing to prove they work. Bearing in mind the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals) legislation and the restrictions it has introduced that on one hand have slowed down research on new ingredients, though on the other hand has guaranteed better health and environment protection in Europe, ingredient research and development has anyway progresses at a fast pace. Perhaps, one reason for this lively ingredient research work might also be that the market life of cosmetic products today is much shorter than a few years ago, when certain “hero products” would last for several years. The latest generation cosmetics are sold for one or two years at the most, hence the pressure on ingredient research to provide new, better-performing, innovative molecules.