The ACS Green Chemistry Institute® Industry Roundtables

1. MarketChemica™, Inc., 434 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON, K1H 5A4, Canada
2. ACS Green Chemistry Institute, 1155 Sixteenth St, NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA
Participation in the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® Industry Roundtables provides an excellent opportunity for member companies to keep abreast with the latest developments in the complex stakeholders landscape of green chemistry and green engineering while informing and influencing the policy, regulatory and legislative outcomes. The structure of the Roundtables, mimicking the vertical structure of the chemical supply chains, provides member companies with unique non-competitive collaboration opportunities such as minimizing R&D costs, learning about the needs of downstream customers or adopting best industry practices in green chemistry.
The Green Chemistry Institute was established in 1997 through a joint effort from industry, government, and academia as an expression of the rapidly growing concern for a more sustainable society. In 2001, the American Chemical Society incorporated the organization in its own operations and the newly formed ACS Green Chemistry Institute® received a mandate “to catalyze and enable the implementation of green chemistry and engineering througho ... ... ...