The influence of packaging on the time evolution of red wine
Shelf life of red wine as a function of the storage conditions adopted over a period of 12 months

Francesca Venturi1,2, Chiara Sanmartin*,1,2, Isabella Taglieri1, Xiaoguo Ying1,3, Shanggui Deng3, Gianpaolo Andrich1,2, Angela Zinnai1,2
*Corresponding author
1. Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
2. Interdepartmental Research Center “Nutraceuticals and Food for Health”, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
3. Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Health Risk Factors for Seafood, College of Food and Pharmacy,
Zhejiang Ocean University, China
With the aim to determine the influence of packaging in preserving the quality of wine, in this research project the time evolution of a young red wine stored in different packaging materials (glass bottles provided with different closures and Tetrabrik®) and different volumes (2 volumes for each packaging) has been examined by chemical and sensory evaluations, over a period of 12 months. For each packaging solution two different temperature levels (4±1° and 20±1°C) were also maintained throughout the storage period.
Among all the adopted experimental conditions, the rate of wine aging was higher when the volume of the containers decreased and storage temperature increased. Furthermore, the glass bottles generally better preserved wine from oxidation than multilayer materials, regardless of the closure characteristics.
Glass containers are still usually preferred for bottling wine (1, 2) being the only material with a high impermeability to gases and vapors, stability over time (3), transparency and readily recyclable (4). Nevertheless, as a consequence of some objective limitations for the extensive use of glass containers in food industry (i.e. heavy weight, fragility to internal pressure, impact and thermal shock, etc.) (2),
nowadays there is growing worldwide demand for alternative solutions to glass also for bottling wine (5,6) in order to propose inexpensive packaging resources, practical to use and often marketed as “eco-friendly,” particularly in relation to their contributions to waste prevention (1, 7, 8).
In this context, starting from the past two decades, among all the possible packaging materials it has been possible to observe an expansive utilization of polymeric materials also for wine packaging, including PET bottles, multilayer Tetrabrik® and bag-in-box (BiB) type containers (6, 9, 10).
With the aim to determine the influence of packaging in preserving the quality of red wine during storage, in t ...