A Matter of Balance

R&D Director, Angelini S. Palomba, Acraf S.p.A., Italy
Member of Household and Personal Care Today’s Scientific Advisory Board
The laboratory were I started my career in a small academic center in Italy, it was, and still is, a very active university laboratory, full of people with great ideas and eager to learn and discover new things, probably located in one of the most charming cities in the country.
As exciting as this was, however, it was missing something, or, better, I was missing something. It took me 15 years to understand why doing research in that environment made me very happy and, simultaneously, left me somewhat unsatisfied. There were publications, conferences, boards with key opinion leaders to validate the quality and the level of the research we were pursuing; there were new ideas and opportunities to discuss them with clever colleagues… but still something was missing.
The answer came when, under the mentorship of a distinguish professor of medicinal chemistry, I left for the United States where my research in the field of new drug delivery systems kept progressing. I focused in particular on the synthesis and characterization of new cyclodextrins to deliver drugs more effectively and more safely where your body needs them. But the expectations from whom was financin ...