Cosmetic preservation: what it should be and what it is



1. Product Manager, Formula Protection, ROELMI HPC, Origgio, Italy
2.Regulatory Affairs Manager ROELMI HPC, Origgio, Italy

I am quite new in the Cosmetics field, few years of experience only, all focused on preservation. Ever since the beginning of this interesting and fascinating experience, I felt the responsibility of my small drop in the ocean: the value of cosmetics proper preservation. Like some years ago, the cosmetic preservation is still facing what experts define a “crisis period”. I do believe it is time to bring back the attention to the importance of a safe, effective and economically sustainable preservations. The topic will be deepened in a four articles path, proposed by H&PC Journal during 2018: first, a picture of worldwide preservation state of the art, then possible consequences of inaccurate preservation; together with this, new challenging marketing messages, in light of end users’ perceptions and knowledge of cosmetic market. Finally, support to formulators: some suggestion for a safe and successful 3.0 product.


The majority of cosmetic formulas copes with microbial contamination nightmare. Goods spoilage can be caused by several factors: skin microflora, usage of the product, certain formula raw mat ...