Personal care market in customer’s eyes

1. Product Manager Formula Protection – ROELMI HPC
2. Global Marketing Manager – I.T.M. S.r.l.
“Home sweet home” is the best feeling ever, especially coming back from summer holidays. Just the time to set end-of-holidays-sadness aside, in favour of that reassuring feeling of safety and protection we have while entering in our beloved home. Safety and protection make us feel better, it’s undeniable; it is the same with cosmetics! Safety of a personal care formula is the key and basic parameter for the development of inventive products. Safety of cosmetics lies also in the selection of the most suitable preservative system: a properly preserved product is a safe product, this is the positive message I sustain daily, it’s my job, my mission! The type of message I wish end users to be aware of.
I think nowadays it may not be that easy for an average cosmetic customer. There are plenty of messages, claims, inputs reaching consumers: the packaging’s label is a new media, that goes directly in customers’ hands, bringing a lot of information and messages (1). The feeling is that these inputs are maybe too many, sometimes misleading and thus possible cause of uncontrolled decision-making process, driven only by the claims; sometimes the cus ...