Dario Polli, Associate Professor of Physics Physics Department – Politecnico di Milano

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The European Research Council has recently financed the Politecnico di Milano to develop a next-generation microscopy system capable of rapidly visualizing in two dimensions the chemical content of a biological specimen. Can you enter into details of this project named VIBRA?
The VIBRA project was born 5 years ago at the Politecnico di Milano thanks to a grant from the European community within the European Research Council (ERC). This is a very prestigious and selective funding project for promising young researchers in various sectors of the scientific research field. With a budget of almost two million euros, it was possible to purchase state-of-the-art equipment and hire PhD students and research fellows to help me carry out scientific research in the laboratory.
The optical microscope that we have created was the result of a long process of research and innovation, also thanks to international collaborations. In fact, in addition ...