Effect of cellulase and pectinase combinations on the recovery of lycopene

Department of Food Science and Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416 004, Maharashtra, India
Present study aims to study effects of cellulase and pectinase on the recovery of lycopene extracted from tomato processing industry waste. The waste was treated with enzymes, individually, in combination and sequentially.The waste sample treated with pectinase followed by cellulase gave higher recovery of lycopene than sample treated with cellulase followed by pectinase. Higher recovery of lycopene was recorded when waste treated with cellulase (847.33 µg/g) and pectinase (1159.11 µg/g)individually than in combinations. The inhibitory effect of cellobiose and glucose on pectinase was studied by treating waste with pectinase (2 percent) in their presense . Remarkable decreased was found in lycopene recovery when the waste was treated with pectinase along with cellobiose and glucose.
Growing epidemiological evidence suggests that the consumption of fresh and processed tomato products is associated with a reduced risk of some types of cancer (1) and a lower incidence of ischemic heart disease (2).These beneficial effects have been attributed to the antioxidant activity of tomato-based products, as increased oxidative stress is a common pathogenetic factor for the above diseases (3-4). Tomatoes contain a wide variety of antioxidants including vitamin E, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids and phenolics (5). Among them, lycopene, the carotenoid responsible for the deep red color of ripe tomatoes, has attracted considerable attention in recent years for its possible role in disease prevention (6-8).
Tomato pomace, i.e., the solid residue remaining after the industrial processing of tomatoes, is considered to be one of the most promising candidate materials. The previous study reported the occurrence of lycopene in different fractions of tomato fruit such as tomato skin, the water insoluble fraction, and the fibrous fraction including the fiber and soluble solids. It consists mainly of tomato peels and seeds, in a ...