Enrico Zodio, CEO, procos

Can you describe better PROCOS’ new investments?
In a continuous evolving world, PROCOS focused the attention on constant investments, and sustainable growth. The aim of this approach is to provide to our customers the best service and a broadened product portfolio.
Indeed, after CBC acquisition in 2006, PROCOS constantly invested in upgrading the site, expanding R&D and QC capabilities by creating a standalone building dedicated to Quality Unit, increasing manufacturing capacity and introducing new capabilities for a total investments amount of more than 200 million euros in 10 years.
Among the investments PROCOS entered the HPAPI business in 2018, and thanks to years of success in that, with a dedicated, fully integrated workshop equipped with cutting-edge R&D and QC laboratories including 2 cGMP manufacturing lines reaching OEL as low as 10 ng/m3, PROCOS decided to take an additional step in the hi ...