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Europe´s new research and innovation initiatives A chance for the cleaning and personal care industry


Member of Household and Personal Care Today’s Scientific advisory board

Europe is under siege now. The continuous struggle for the Euro and for the fair load of debts between countries, banks and other
institutions is in the focus of the media and covers the attempts of the European institutions for improving Europe’s status in the
global competition against China and the USA. As the old continent is not so rich in raw materials the focus on sustainable and
competitive innovation is necessary to keep the standard of living in Europe in the next decades with crucial megatrends ahead.
From the need to sustainability, the need for environmental safety to the growth of older population the issues are growing fast.
Convenience is necessary in this context as well. The European Commission is starting now initiatives which are of high interest for
the Cleaning and Personal Care industries which cover daily needs as they are for high tech industries.
As a follow up to the well-known framework programs which were focussed on more basic science and research, the focus is
now on real innovation outside the lab, in real life. For this, new tools have been designed under the umbrella of the Innovation
Unio ...