Examining the pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain
Executive Director Drug,
Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT)

This March executives from around the world will gather at DCAT Week, the flagship event of the Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT). DCAT is a global business development association whose membership model integrates both innovator and generic drug manufacturers and suppliers of ingredients, development and manufacturing services, and related technologies. DCAT Week ‘16, which will be held March 14-17, 2016 in New York, brings together companies for high-level strategic meetings with key decision makers, timely educational programs, and important networking opportunities.
Key to the success of DCAT as an association and for DCAT Week are the contributions of our volunteer leaders, committees, and task forces that are comprised of representatives from DCAT’s more than 400 member companies. They provide their time, talents, and strategic insights that are essential in developing the programs and events, networking opportunities, information services, and ...