How paper expresses its value in packaging

Consultant, Italy
Packaging is like a dress. One of its purposes is certainly to contain and protect the product. Its primary task would thus seem to have been accomplished, but in reality, the utility expands in multiple directions and paper and cardboard respond surprisingly to many other functions. It is also an extremely technical material capable of attracting the consumer, of surprising and always evolving on a technical level, of protecting brands. An adaptable, hospitable material, and we will find out why, with a virtuous ambition to replace plastic in certain situations. It integrates very well and in an innovative way with logistic needs, it knows how to be functional to marketing as it has the ability to convey a series of material and “intangible” characteristics such as, for example, design and colours. You will also be surprised to discover that it is a sophisticated measuring instrument.
Paper and cardboard are certainly among the most common materials in everyday life. They are elements through which we have developed and stimulated our creativity from an early age: pasting, cutting, colouring, writing, drawing, reading, studying. For centuries they have accompanied our existence and our sensory experience.
It is a material that dominates with its presence also in the packaging sector and through which various types of packaging are created thanks to which it is possible to guarantee product protection by purchasing consumer goods. It must also be said that its value is not only expressed from a functional point of view but is also a formidable communication vehicle for brands.
The evolution of paper in the industrial field, especially in the packaging and communication sector, has allowed to evolve with the help of printing in a dimension capable of satisfying and arousing ever stronger emotions, of giving this material the ability to attract consumers while maintaining an important property ...