I need to deliver a personalised skin care experience: get me out of here!

Principal Research Project Lead, Oriflame
Member of HPC Today International Scientific Advisory Board
Those very familiar with the British TV landscape will certainly grasp the reference, that may reflect the mood of some R&D scientists when asked to deliver this mighty promise.
Before going any further, I would like to refer to a previous article published last year in HPC from Perry Romanowski which coined perfectly one of the key challenges: how to bridge the gap between an ever-increasing science for personalised skin care, with the likes of DNA and microbiome, when the raw materials evolve at a slower pace?
(Un)Fortunately for us, personalisation is a cross-industry trend we can’t just ignore. We saw its debut with precursors such as Nike and its Nike by you 22 years ago, till more recently with personalised medicine with Kymriah® by Novartis (1) or the launch of Made for you clothing platform by Amazon in December (2).
To understand the acceleration of this trend, we can reasonably pinpoint a few factors. The first one relates to the behaviour of younger generations (e.g. Millennials, Gen Z etc.), who care less about fitting the norm and ...