Probiotics and the brain



Executive Director, IPA

The Gut Brain Axis, or commonly referred to as the “GBX” is the most researched area after Gastrointestinal an Immune health within the probiotic category. Moreover, the pandemic has emphasized and brought ‘mental health’ into the mainstream and made it “top of mind” as a matter that must be dealt with both during the pandemic and post-pandemic.
The scientific research is expanding rapidly into areas of dietary supplements, and also investigating probiotic interventions in mental health conditions previously treated only with pharmaceutical drugs.


The gut has been referred to as “the second brain”, containing cells that are similar to those within the brain. The microbiota within the gut play a key role in our overall brain function, affecting hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines and short chain fatty acids that act via immune, endocrine, vagal and other pathways. Research has shown that the intestinal microbiota produce compounds that cross into the blood brain barrier. These signalling molecules and pathways affect our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. “Psychobiotics” are defined as microbiota-targeted interventions ...