Moisturizers: what they are and how improve formulation with a novel emulsifier

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ZSCHIMMER & SCHWARZ Via Ariotto 1/C 13038 Tricerro, VC, Italy
Moisturizers are widely used products that are important in several dermatologic and cosmetic skin therapies. They contain varyious combinations of emollients, occlusive, and humectants to achieve their beneficial effects, and there is an overwhelming number of formulations available. To develop a rational approach in chosing moisturizers, they should be categorized on the basis of the application site.
There is a vast array of moisturizers available on the market today and the consumer is demand for these products is growing. These products range from value brands that provide basic moisturization to luxury therapeutics with claims of anti-aging benefits. A recent US study discovered that moisturizers are the third most commonly recommended topical skin product (13.4%) behind hydrocortisone (27.6%) and anti-infectives (23.4%) (1).
The term moisturizer is a marketing term with little or no scientific meaning. Consumers see moisturizers as actively increasing the water content of the skin. Dermatologists see moisturizers as bland oleaginous substances that are applied to the skin by rubbing (2). The term “moisturizer” does not necessarily imply that moisture or water is being added to the skin.
Moisturizers are a key component of basic skin care treatment especially when there is an alteration of the epidermal barrier and reduced water content in the epidermis (3). They are used to restore the barrier function of the epidermis, to cover tiny fissures in the skin to provide a soothing protective film and increase the water ...