Technological-sensorial sphere for sustainable cosmetics – Eco-designed microplastics alternative

*Corresponding author
ROELMI HPC Srl, Origgio, Varese, Italy
This work aims at presenting the evidence towards sustainable cosmetics, in which performing and eco-designed ingredients are necessary. The ingredient represents one of the latest results in R&D towards innovation in texturizers. With proved performances against standard plasticizing powders and peculiar environmental-friendly impact on the Environment (readily biodegradable according to OECD 301 method), it represents an efficient and valid alternative to formulate sustainable cosmetics, by maintaining or improving, all the technical cosmetic performances but replacing standard powders like Nylon, PMMA, Polyurethane and PE. A series of tests have been performed to evaluate the ingredient’s performances in personal care formulations.
Every day, tonnes of plastic “dust” from personal care products, for example microbeads with an exfoliating function for shower gels and various “rinse-off” cleansing products, are poured into seas, together with microplastics having specific technical properties used in face and body creams, sunscreens and make-up, non-rinsing, or “leave-on” products.
Common microplastics are not biodegradable and once in the environment, they could accumulate in animals, including fish and shellfish and consequently end up in our food chain. An analysis carried out by Amec Foster Wheeler shows that around 2000 Tons of microplastics every year goes from cosmetics to the sea.
Prompted by concerns for the environment and human health several countries have already started to ban the use of microplastics into rinse-off products as South Korea, USA, EU (Sweden, France, Italy and many others). In order to have a common legislation in all Europe, and to really understand the impact of a restriction of microplastics production and use, ECHA has been commissioned by the European ...