Zurko – The rise of hair cosmetics: hair skinification

Alfonso Fernández
info@zurkoresearch.com – www.zurkoctc.com
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Since ancient times, hair has been part of our own identity and has served to mark our social status. For example, between 3300 and 2600 years ago, humans already used hair dyes in funeral rites. On the other hand, in ancient Egypt, the type of hairstyle was an indication of the social status and prosperity of the individual.
Interest in hair cosmetics is currently a trend, with cosmetics companies increasingly launching new products onto the hair market in recent years.
Despite an increased interest in hair cosmetics, hair has been at a disadvantage relative to skin in the world of cosmetics for two main reasons. On one hand, hair was always considered to be something isolated and unrelated to any other part of the body. On the other hand, the market itse ... ...