The science behind the products is not “common knowledge” – Do we have more questions than answers?

I.B.N. SAVIO, Rome, Italy
With the contribution of Istituto Biochimico Nazionale SAVIO R&D team: Amore, Erika; D’anzi, Nicola; Giglio, Rosa
In the growing knowledge that the microbiome modulation represents a potential effective therapeutic tool many are the approaches that have been experimented. Probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics, antibiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) have been employed in trying to revert a dysbiosis condition. Although these strategies may show promising results, by correcting microbiota composition, modulating innate immune system, enhancing gut barrier function, preventing pathogen colonization, generally they are not targeted approaches. What we know about microbiome modulation is really a drop in the ocean versus the potential of this new organ but there are many ongoing and new techniques in development that aim to target a specific dysbiosis and be able to link the modulation to a specific effect.
The study of what is now known as the human microbiome can be traced as far back as Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) a scientist that with a pitch of serendipity and a great knowledge in building up microscopes and optical instruments started to describe the Animalcules “small animals” that are populating different fluids including the human body fluids. Today we know, and probably we can now say that is common knowledge, that our body is fully integrated with a microbiological system which equilibrium takes a great part in our wellbeing.
It is common knowledge that not all the microorganisms are causing diseases. While it is true that microorganisms are responsible for some of the world’s greater disease challenges (we are just in the COVID-19 aftermath) about ninety-nine percent do not cause diseases.
It is common knowledge that we should preserve and augment the “good Animalcules” that are populatin ...