Make ingredients come alive

The beauty industry is in constant evolution and the most recent export booms and the consumers’ research of personalization have forced companies to improve the type of tools used for support. Story-telling has become the way-to-go type of communication at all levels of the industry and most of the manufacturers and brands have already embraced this style to be more in line with their clients’ needs. The era where inspirational communication will influence raw material companies has already begun and that is the reason why it is fundamental to learn how to make ingredients come alive.
Today’s global cosmetic industry is valued over €532 billion (1) and Italy plays a major role with its vast landscape of innovative manufacturers. In the latest Congiunturale, Trend e Investimenti nel Settore Cosmetico, presented by the Centro Studi of Cosmetica Italia this July in Milan, Italian manufacturing companies represent the main engine of international new product development, producing 67% of the European cosmetic products (2). In 2017, the Italian contract manufacturing sector was valued at €1500 millions (2) and in coming years projected to grow further. Face make-up has been the most lucrative product category to manufacture, representing 30.1% of the total value in 2017, with eye make-up and lip products following shortly after with 18.7% and 11.1% respectively of the total value (2).
Export plays a fundamental role for Italian manufacturers. Strategically, exporting has helped companies reach markets with less competition and hence expand their client base. In the last 20 years, Italian beauty exports have risen, mostly thanks to the growth of non-EU markets such the United States, Hong Kong and the Emirates that represent together 17% of the ...