Peptide chemistry revolution

*Corresponding author
Member of Chimica Oggi/Chemistry Today’s Scientific advisory board

Peptides represent a very attractive and interesting class of molecules, which stand out foradaptability to a large number of scientifi c applications. The fi eld of application of peptidesis so wide that is generally indicated with “peptide science”, a privilege that peptides canshare with few other molecules. Peptide science is more and more emerging as a complexand interdisciplinary fi eld, which is not only restricted to basic researches but is fi nally fi ndingits place also in the development of therapeutics, diagnostics, and nanotechnologies. In factnowadays, peptides are not exclusively used to mimic and study the activity of proteins but theyare exploited in many different fi elds of application because of their modular structure and oftheir amino acid composition (1). Amino acids can be used to design complex peptide scaffoldsand to infl uence physico-chemical properties of peptides, which can show extremely differentbehaviour according to their amino acid composition. Peptide science is in a never-ending evolution that is also promotinga fast revolution of the technologies necessary for peptide production. Moreover, the solid-phase revolution, a key point inp ...